Academic Support Programs
Study Skills Links
In this YouTube series, Dr. Stephen Chew explains powerful learning principles with very good examples and visual demonstrations. Each video is approximately 8 minutes long.
(Top picks) Good comprehension site. Covers time management, procrastination, study skills, and note taking along with much other help. Also includes a number of short personalized stories involving study strategies and much other help.
The SQ3R, SQ4R, and PQ4R methods. Decide for yourself which one you prefer.
Motivation is the key to doing well. Tips on common study problems students have and suggestions to help avoid them. Learn to improve your memory. General study tips.
Provides useful information on Effective Study, Presentation Skills, and Time Management. Site also includes test-taking strategies and problem-solving skills.
Study tips from the University of Illinois at Chicago's Academic Center for Excellence. The tips include reading strategies, lecture notes, where to study, studying for exams, time management and motivation, writing papers, math and science strategies, and stress control.
23 time management techniques involving where and when you should study. How to minimize distractions and use a time management checklist. The SQ3R method. Ways to become a more effective listener. Why take notes in class and tips on taking them. General suggestions for classroom behaviour, note taking, and listening. Tips on skimming, highlighting, and underlining. Rehearse to learn. How to get more out of your studying and test taking tips and techniques.
Assess your study skills. Develop and practice using skills and strategies. Memory and motivation ideas to get you started studying. How to not forget the material that you study to increase time efficiency.
Has a variety of self-help information. Each topic has links to a number of specific handouts.