

Tuberculosis Skin Testing- Mantoux testing

Tuberculosis (TB) skin testing is available from the Nurse at the Student Wellness and Counselling Centre. The TB skin test is performed by injecting a small amount of protein between the layers of skin on your forearm, you have to return to the clinic in 48-72 hours for the nurse to look at the injection site on your arm. For this reason TB tests can’t be injected on a Thursday.

The injection and the reading is considered a ONE step TB skin test. If you are a health care professional or entering a professional school, you will require a TWO step TB skin test. This mean you will have to have your test injected and read in the appropriate time frame, wait 1-3 weeks and then have the test injected and read again.

The MINIMUM amount of time it take to complete a 2 step TB skin test is 2 weeks. Health care facilities in this province will accept the 2 TB skin test completed within a year of each other. The cost for a one step TB skin test is $20. The cost for a two- step TB skin test is $25.

Flu Vaccine

Flu Shots are usually available during the fall of the year. Flu shots are not routinely given in the Student Wellness and Counselling Centre but they are given during special clinics throughout the university. Our flu clinics are offered to students, staff and faculty and are free of charge. When the vaccine supply is secured from the province, the clinic locations and times will be advertised here and throughout the university.

Routine Vaccinations

Routine vaccinations are available from the Nurse at the Student Wellness and Counselling Centre. There is a nominal charge for some vaccines while others can be quite costly due to fact they are not covered by the province’s immunization program. Some vaccines are covered by your . The vaccines listed below are usually kept on hand at the Student Wellness and Counselling Centre.

  • Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis Vaccine
  • Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccine
  • Hepatitis B Vaccine (usually requires 3 doses over 6 months)
  • Varicella / Chicken Pox vaccine (usually requires 2 doses over 2 months)
  • Gardasil 9, HPV vaccine (requires 3 doses over 6 months)
Travel Vaccines

Some travel vaccines are available from the Student Wellness and Counselling Centre depending on their availability from the manufacturer. Please note we do not do travel counselling to the extent you would receive from a travel clinic, however we can offer students some travel vaccines at a much lower cost than you would pay at a travel clinic.

  • Twinrix (Hepatitis A and B vaccine) (usually requires 3 doses over 6 months)
  • Hepatitis A vaccine (usually requires 2 doses over 6-12 months)
  • Typhoid Vaccine
  • Polio Vaccine
  • Menactra Vaccine –Meningitis A,C,Y, W-135 vaccine
  • Bexsero Vaccine – Meningitis B vaccine (usually requires 2 doses)

*Please note prescriptions for Malaria prophylaxis and medication for traveller’s diarrhea are obtained through the physicians at the Student Wellness and Counselling Centre. It is a good idea to book an appointment with your physician at the Student Wellness and Counselling Centre well in advance to ensure you get enough of your regular prescribed medications as well to take with you on your trip.

Childhood Immunizations

Childhood and immunizations for school aged children are NOT given in the Student Wellness and Counselling Centre. These immunizations are given by the Community Health Nurses at Eastern Health. To find a Community Health Nurse in your area, please call Health and Community Services at 709-752-4800.

Requesting Immunization Records and/or Titre Bloodwork

The Student Wellness and Counselling Centre have a new and efficient way of requesting your immunization records and/or titre results from the clinic. To request your immunization record and/or titre results please email your requests to: immunize@mun.ca.

You would use this email to request:

  • Records of immunizations given at this clinic
  • Records of TB testing
  • Immunization blood tests (Titres)
  • Immunization Forms to be completed

When making requests please include your full name, student number, date of birth and how you would like your records delivered to you. Please keep in mind if you request email delivery, we CAN NOT guarantee the confidentiality of the records and blood work. Depending on time of year and the number of requests it may take up to 10 working days to receive your records.