Supporting you to support students.
Student Life works closely with faculty and staff across campus to foster learning environments in which all students can thrive.
The following list of resources is intended to help faculty and staff best support students by directing them to appropriate on-campus, off-campus and online resources.
- Guide to Recognizing and Responding to Students in Distress: This guide was developed to help faculty and staff recognize, respond, and refer students experiencing distress on the St. John鈥檚 campus to the appropriate resources.
- Urgent supports and 成人电影 counselling services: This page contains information regarding urgent mental health supports available, as well as non-urgent supports on campus.
- Community mental health supports: A list of organizations and resources in the community that provide mental health supports.
- Food and wellness supports: List of on-campus and community food supports available to students.
- Indigenous Student Resource Centre: The ISRC is available to support indigenous students with a variety of resources.
- Academic Advising Centre: The Academic Advising Centre (AAC) has information to help students with academic goals, university policies and procedures and resources to maximize academic success.
- Sexual Harassment Office: The Sexual Harassment Office offers a multitude of resources about university-wide procedures for sexual harassment and sexual assault concerns and complaints.
- Student Academic Success Centre: A great resource for students to support the development of their academic skills, as well as information on help centres, study spaces and more.
- Internationalization Office: Internationalization Office provides international students with housing information, immigration advising and more.
- Career Services: Career Services can assist faculty and staff members with hiring students to work on campus.
- Accessibility Services (The Blundon Centre): Accessibility Services can support faculty and staff in providing accessible education to students that require accommodations.
- COVID-19 information hub: During the COVID-19 pandemic, the university has established a dedicated COVID-19 website containing information, guidelines and resources to support faculty and staff members.
- Spirituality: 成人电影 has a number of chaplains for different faith groups available to students, staff and faculty, and are happy to help people of any faith background.